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It’s only a man made abitary date I know, but it’s almost the end of another year.

Not been the best year in living memory, and I know that applies to many folks.

Let’s hope everything is on the up and up in 2010.

Time flies when you’re having fun.

Another week. Woke up way too early this morning! Still, we’ve got to get up and about and get the ball rolling. Things to do, places to go, people to see!

Coffee is the first priority, and then making breakfast and lunch.

Another gray day outside so far. No specific plans for anything today, but I have NaNoWriMo to do, and some other computer work to follow up on as well.

First things first though! Shower and coffee time first and something for breakfast.

Oatmeal sounds like a good idea.

The remnants of Tropical Storm Ida woke me up at 4.30am. The rain was coming down really hard and I had left the bedroom window open, so ther noise woke me up.


That’s the local weather forecast for today. Heavy rain. I’d prefer to see a sunny day, but you can’t win ’em all!

Anyway, we do need rain sometimes of course.

Another Monday morning. It’s an average day. Things to do, work to accomplish, and coffee to drink!

I have mentioned this before I know, and some readers would probably prefer that I didn’t mention it, but I don’t really see it as any big deal.

So here I am sitting on the throne, while I blog from the Blackberry.

It is peaceful, quiet, and I can blog away undisturbed for quite some time before I get asked if I have ‘fallen down the hole’ or spomething similar.

Anyway, I am going to get on with other tasks now. Have a great day!

Laying in bed thinking about sleeping, I felt two things. I needed to get out of bed and to the smallest room, and I needed a drink too.

So I did, and here I am sitting on the throne compiling this blog post.

With that compelling thought I shall bid you a fond goodnight!

I didn’t think of Twitter list developing into some kind of competitive sport, but then I have to admit that my mind doesn’t really think this way.

Still it is nice to find myself on a few peoples ‘tech’ or ‘favorite’ lists. Thank you.

I’ve not found myswelf on the lists of the most famous Twitterers out there, but then I don’t really tweet about anything earth shattering that the very well connected haven’t heard already.